User Portlet User Portlet

Ed Pegg
I recently updated [Substitution Tilings](, one of my many items at the [Wolfram Demonstrations Project]( Some of these were...
Every node has six lines. Every line has six nodes. If you like these designs You can try out my codes. ![96_6 configuration][1] base={{0,-1},{0,Root[1+2 #1+2 #1^3+#1^4&,2]},{1/2,Root[-11-8 #1+24 #1^2-32 #1^3+16...
How to label faces of a cube with numbers 1 to 6? First, I'll turn text outlines into polygons. SymbolToPolygon[symbol_, dimension_: "3D"] := Module[{pol, poly, index, pos, minmax, diffs, poly2D}, pol =...
On 17 October 2018, [Ivan Neretin discovered the octagonal dodecahedron](, a toroid made from twelve octagons. **4**, 6, 8 triangles can make a tetrahedron and up. The [Snub...
My friend Gianni Sarcone recently built a 12 prism construction. ![twelve prisms][1] So I had to build one myself. I also built in in Mathematica. To my surprise, I was able to simplify it down to three points. ...
Divide a cuboid into two cuboids similar to the original shape. The answer involves the cube root of 2, otherwise known as the [Delian constant]( I've called this object the Delian Brick. It's a 3D...
![number angles][1] Each number has that many angles. I saw a version of this recently with an ugly 9 and other problems, so I thought I'd redo it. Here's the code, maybe someone can improve this more. The seven needs work. Row[{ ...
I made a [compound of 5 tetrahedra]( It's surprisingly sturdy. ![noodle spikey][1] This was built with [pool noodles]( Noodles are 55" (about 4.5...
Here are two programs. One of them is worse than the other. Which one is it? Manipulate[FactorInteger[a], {a, 1, 100000000, 1}] Manipulate[factored[[a]], {a, 1, 100000000, 1}, Initialization :> (factored = Table[FactorInteger[a],...
I'm not yet sure when it happened, but the standard d10 die has a lot of right angles now. I've been a gamer a long time, and not all of my d10 are like this, but it seems pretty standard now. np={{1,0,1/2 Sqrt[-2+Sqrt[5]]},{1,1/2...