User Portlet User Portlet

Ed Pegg
There are also a number of [demonstrations with the Tokyo logo][2] by Yasushi Miki and [Izidor Hafner][3]. ![Tokyo Olympic Logo][1] [1]: ...
I saw the following image and thought I'd check it. ![enter image description here][1] Turns out this only works if you use FractionalPart. Both of the following give the same output. N[1/109, 106] ...
Here are three more with the same rules. [Playable version][5] ![enter image description here][1] [Playable version][3] ![enter image description here][2] [Playable version][6] ![enter image description here][4] [1]:...
At stackexchange I [posted a question][1]: > In the paper [Space Vectors Forming Rational Angles][2] a special set > of tetrahedra is mentioned. > > "The remaining three are in the R-orbit of the tetrahedron with > dihedral angles (?/7, 3?/7,...
Here's a list of hits and near misses. The first hit is (43+0)(43+4) = 2021. The first near miss is (53+0)(53+8) = 3233. {{43,{0,4}}, {4999493,{0,14}}, {891077215721081784886888257701070827,{0,2}},...
Awhile ago we added GraphData[{"UnitDistance", {21, 2}}] to Mathematica. Graph[GraphData[{"UnitDistance", {21, 2}}], VertexLabels -> "Name"] ![heptagon bracing][1] I found the graph while researching unit-distance graphs...
Todd, how would the 3D diagonal CA be set up? It seems obvious that we should find out if a "1D" cellular automaton can build a menger sponge.
Could this be used to make the [plesiohedra][1]? [1]:
I fixed the links... [][1] [1]:
FiniteGroupData is missing a few group generations, so I've filled in some holes. One of the groups is Frobenius 21. ...