User Portlet User Portlet

ODE with a DiracDelta at the origin fails using NDSolve (solution steps down at x=0). sol = NDSolveValue[{y'[x] == DiracDelta[x] , y[0.5] == 0.}, y, {x, -1, 1}] Plot[sol[x], {x, -1, 1}] ![enter image description here][1] ...
I have a graph with weighted vertices. I would like the graph to be rendered in a way that reflects the vertex weights, not just by labeling the vertices by their weights, but by somehow spatially arranging the vertices as a function of weights....
Can Mathematica Simplify simple matrix expressions like $Assumptions = Element[C1, Matrices[{4, 4}]] $Assumptions = Element[C2, Matrices[{4, 4}]] Simplify[Transpose[C1.C2] - Transpose[C2].Transpose[C1]] ...
This is an issue that has been discussed before in various forums. Unfortunately I cannot get the proposed fixes to work. The example below is a highly simplified version of the problem I need to solve. In a nutshell, the code runs with a...
I installed gcc but Mathematica (12) cannot seem to find it. I installed gcc two ways: (i) via MinGW and (ii) CodeBlocks. A windows command line check confirms the compilers are installed. I updated my Windows Environments. GetEnvironment[]...
I use FindMinimum using objective and gradient functions that take a matrix and vector as inputs, as in FindMinimum[f[mat, vec], {{mat, matstart}, {vec, vecstart}}, Gradient :> g[mat, vec}], Method -> "QuasiNewton"] The arguments to...
The purpose of this post is to ask the Mathematica community to chime in on (i) how to best teach students concepts of Grad - Div - Curl using Mathematica, and (ii) how to optimally represent such fields for certain classes of functions using...