User Portlet User Portlet

It reminds me of this behavior: sol = NDSolveValue[{y'[x] == 0, y[0.5] == 0., WhenEvent[x == 0, y[x] -> y[x] + 1]}, y, {x, -1, 1}] Plot[sol[x], {x, -1, 1}] ![enter image description here][1] The problem, to which in the...
This is beautiful -- exactly what I was looking for! Thank you.
wstp.h ( from WSTP ) use MSVC specific __int64 type. I want to use pari and gap functions in Mathematica through WSTP. But parilib and libgap require the gcc compiler. Any suggestions?
Great! Still struggling to have Mathematica simplify matrix expressions though. See the very simple example below. How do I simplify A1.A2 + A1.A3 with A2+A3 == 0 to 0 (or a zero matrix)? How can I make Mathematica scour through a collection of...
why isn't xtable the first argument of ff and cff in FindMinimum: In[1]:= xmax = 2.; In[2]:= n = 10; nk = 15; In[4]:= ktable = Table[Pi (i - 1)/nk; 2 Pi Cos[phi] // N, {i, 1, nk}]; In[9]:= xtable :=...
Beautiful. Thank you! Yes, in the end I was able to make this work in my code, too. Thanks again.
1) Beautify and show also 3D images of fields. Combine various type of graphics using Show and Textures. If you can make them interactive and rotatable in 3D - it is much much better. This is why you need to use...