User Portlet User Portlet

Emerson Willard
Hi. This should help you with the date part of your question. todateobject[dateinput_] := Interpreter["Date"][dateinput] /. Failure[y__] :> Missing[]; simpledatesetter[Dynamic[x_]] := DynamicModule[{t = x}, DynamicWrapper[...
The notebook attachment isn't a valid link anymore. [@Emerson Willard][at0], Could you upload it again? [at0]:
[@Szabolcs Horvát][at0] Thanks for your response, I got it working by studying your Matex package and duplicating the structure there. [at0]:
Is it possible to get the readings of the DS18B20 through the Mathematica custom Arduino Sketch?
Thanks a lot Emerson, it works just fine !
Either r = ImplicitRegion[0
LibraryResources like Kernel is a magic folder name. [This old but useful video][1] by Adam Berry uses this terminology. Using "GeneralUtilities`" on PacletInstall and following the trail will confirm my answer. One reason for including extensions...
Thanks for sharing this.
Hoi Pieter, Not a perfect solution, but it is possible to upload an Excel file as binary and then you can import it after first converting the binary to xlsx, like so: CloudDeploy@ FormFunction[{"data" -> "Binary"},...
Search for Truncated random variables seems to work for the few cases I have tested. Some error and message handling logic really should be included but here here is the altered code. ...