User Portlet User Portlet

Emerson Willard
Hi. This should help you with the date part of your question. todateobject[dateinput_] := Interpreter["Date"][dateinput] /. Failure[y__] :> Missing[]; simpledatesetter[Dynamic[x_]] := DynamicModule[{t = x}, DynamicWrapper[...
Hi You can consider your integral to be the discounted expectation of your final payoff under a Multivariate log-normal distribution. Your option is worth $226. I obtained this by using NIntegrate and setting the working precision to 100....
Either r = ImplicitRegion[0
This tutorial shows how to create your own Paclet site. If you deploy code to other people you can use the Paclet system to allow your application to check for code or data updates. This is useful if you have bugs that have been fixed, new...
LibraryResources like Kernel is a magic folder name. [This old but useful video][1] by Adam Berry uses this terminology. Using "GeneralUtilities`" on PacletInstall and following the trail will confirm my answer. One reason for including extensions...
Search for Truncated random variables seems to work for the few cases I have tested. Some error and message handling logic really should be included but here here is the altered code. ...
Query makes this sort of task easy. Vts = {{"1 VTS", 2., 2., 5., 2., 5., "Female"}, {"1 VTS", 2., 2., 5., 2., 5., "Male"}, {"1 VTS", 2., 2., 5., 2., 5., "Female"}}; Query[Select[#[[7]] == "Female" &], 2]@Vts A...
Try this data = Query[ToExpression@# &]@Apply[Association, xmlData[[2]]]; I assume you are not interested in using your last key. In[62]:= NumericQ /@ Values[data] Out[62]= {True, True, True, True, True, True, True, False}
I think this will give you a more useful arrangement of your data. data1 = Table[{"loc1", i, i^2, i^3}, {i, 1, 10}]; data2 = Table[{"loc2", i, RandomReal[i], RandomReal[i]^3}, {i, 1, 10}]; data = Join[data1, data2]; header =...