User Portlet User Portlet

I'm looking for a way to include text as an element of a line for plotting with Plot[]. Thanks! The two examples below show what I'm aiming for. Example 1: Add text manually. ![Example of text as element of line for plotting.][1] Example...
I have several sets of data that I want to display in columnar form. Each set of data is in a Table and will display with different number of columns. Is there an easy way to center each set of data so it appears centered between the page...
After upgrading to Mathematica 10, I get the following error when I try to print a notebook to Adobe Acrobat Distiller. ![enter image description here][1] MathematicaMono-Bold is not among my system's installed fonts. Can't seem to find latest...
This returns the density of saturated liquid 958.367 kg/m3: ThermodynamicData["Water", "Density", {"Pressure" -> Quantity[1, "Atmosphere"], "Temperature" -> Quantity[ThermodynamicData["Water","LiquidVaporPhaseBoundary", {"Pressure" ->...
`ThermodynamicData["Water","SoundSpeed",{"Pressure"->Quantity[100,"MegaPascal"],"Temperature"->Quantity[300,"Kelvin"]}]` returns 745.614 m/s. [WolframAlpha][1] returns 1668 m/s. [NIST Chemical WebBook][2] returns 1667.891 m/s. [1]:...