User Portlet User Portlet

Gustavo Delfino
In there a way to call Mathematica/WL from within LibreOffice Calc? I see that there used to be a product for OpenOffice (ancestor of LibreOffice) from Andreas Lauschke, but is seems to be no longer available: ...
Wolfram Workbench includes a [nice feature][1] for linking to notebooks: ![enter image description here][2] I have noticed that Mathematica's built-in package editor has been getting better and was wondering if these hyperlink are supported. If...
I have a question about `JoinAcross`. In this case the left association is returned unchanged: JoinAcross[{ 1, b -> X|>}, { 2|>}, Key[a], "Left"] (* { 1, b -> X|>} *) The result is expected. Notice that the "Left" is documented as...
*MODERATOR NOTE: coronavirus resources & updates:* ---------- &[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
While we wait for a full dark mode support in a future version of Mathematica, we can use the built-in ReverseColor stylesheet. It works well for most things, but there are some issues like the labels in datasets. This is a dataset with the default...
In [ReactiveX][1] website one can see that its ideas about asynchronous programming are implemented in many programming languages including: - Java: RxJava - JavaScript: RxJS - C#: Rx.NET & UniRx - Scala: RxScala - Clojure: RxClojure - C++:...
The I find the ["The Wolfram Language: Fast Introduction for Programmers"][1] to be a very useful resource for new users. Specially the "Notes for users of other languages" section. Currently the other languages notes are available for Java and...
Under Windows, pressing CTRL-C when nothing is selected clears the clipboard. This is a problem when you copy something and then for pasting you mistakenly press CTRL-C instead of CTRL-V. In *Mathematica* 9 and other standard windows programs, ...
There is obviously something wrong here: ![screenshot][1] Users of the old CDF player are getting a big green checkbox saying that they have the current version. (Windows 7, Firefox) [1]:...
I few days ago I was looking at this chart comparing different programming languages: ![annotated lang.rank_.plot_.q1152.png][1] And I asked myself: why is our favourite language doing so poor? Is is popular in regards to the vertical axis...