User Portlet User Portlet

Giulio Alessandrini
I went spelunking for some useful utility, but I could not immediately find one so I put something together quickly. It's bound not to be perfect. The main idea is to take the `FeatureExtractorFunction` processor information and graph the feature...
Nice exploration! One thing that might be worth trying is to check how the degradation by rotation is influenced by the pretty sharp transition to the black background. You can pad the original image (or find one with more background) ``` ...
Very nice fine tuning! One small bit of code simplification could be FindFaces[image, "Image", PaddingSize -> Scaled[0.1]] instead of trimming in a separate steps. This way you can also add an arbitrary padding taken from the...
We should probably advertise NetReplacePart[net, "Input" -> Automatic] For LeNet you can do NetReplacePart[ NetDrop[ NetModel["LeNet Trained on MNIST Data", EvaluationNet"], -5 ], ...
Don't loose faith, report bugs and read the documentation carefully! =) `"PolygonalLength"` is described as the > total length of the polygon formed by the centers of the perimeter elements and indeed if you get the perimeter pixel positions...
Thanks Alexey, I did a thorough test of all the operators and indeed the composition part was very old and mostly incorrect regarding the color scaling. A bugfix should be in progress for 11.3. I attached a notebook that allows to interactively...
Manipulate works on symbol explicitly present in the expression. This code does what you want (I when for the quick fix and mutilated your variable names—sorry!) Manipulate[ Plot[Evaluate[{a0, a1, a2} /. {pK1 -> p1, pK2 -> p2}], ...
That would work but it's quite crude. You could try creating a mask for the well exposed parts of each image and do a weighted sum. Something like this imgList = SortBy[ImageMeasurements[#, "Mean"] &][Image[MyImageList, "Real"]]; ...
You are not making any mistake: what you see is actually the `FullForm` of the entity. Usually the `StandardForm` is formatted with the rounded box and the fact that you don't see it—and that you cannot see the flag—probably means you have some...
Can you provide the image you are trying to fix?