User Portlet User Portlet

You are of course correct. Apologies.
I am curious about this, too. However, my case is slightly different. My V14 personal use licensed laptop has the AI settings page you show for V13.3.1. My V14 primary licensed desktop has the AI settings page you show for V14. Somehow, the 2...
Another alternative that creates an Association, but could easily extend to Dataset yKeys = Keys[dataset[1]] // Normal // StringCases[StringExpression @@ Table[DigitCharacter, 4]] // Flatten assn1 = With[{y = #, yTS =...
Good to know. Thanks.
Thanks for the workaround, [@Mads Bahrami][at0]! [at0]:
Ok, thank you!
I experienced this issue, but I have HiDPI displays. I was able to resolve the issue by: Options Inspector->Global Preferences->Notebook Options->Display Options->Magnification->0.75 I'm using 100% magnification (on the bottom status...
I was wondering if you could change the WindowSize option to Automatic for this notebook. I downloaded it from WolframCloud and it displayed in Full Screen mode, making it impossible (AFAIK) to resize it. I was finally about to open options dialog...
I can confirm on my PC running Win 10 Home. I think this needs to be fixed ASAP. It's disappointing when something like this gets released.
The original post is quite misleading. The implication of the title (Mass shootings and availability of gun dealerships) and the subsequent analysis is that there are vast numbers gun "shops"/"dealerships" across the U.S. The author apparently failed...