User Portlet User Portlet

Carl Lange
We haven't added any feature to `ImageAugmentationLayer`, but I don't see any reason why you shouldn't be able to achieve what you want by using the "generator" syntax of `NetTrain` as I mentioned in my old reply. Your generator function should grab...
Thanks for reaching out. Our events team will contact to get size and shipping details. Congratulations again. Also, I actually used some of your code to beat information from our knowledge base in one of my WFR examples.
There is a data science course, but it doesn't cover a ton of statistics. ( . I'm sure your courses will be amazing.
Hi Wolfgang, Looks great!! It might be of interest to the community, i have transformed the notebook into proper paclet. With some demos and documentation. I have extended the networks with some other CONV blocks based on ResNet and others. ...
The reason for the formation of hydrogen sulfide in the Black Sea. The wind waves enrich the water with oxygen only to a depth of several tens of meters of the seas and oceans surface, while the whirlpools deliver the water enriched with oxygen...
And let me just say, the neural net repo is one of the most useful things I've seen in years. Well done.
Fun post! I wonder if the inverse problem can be solved :-)
![enter image description here][1] - Congratulations! This post is now a [Staff Pick][2] as distinguished by a badge on [your profile][3]! Thank you, keep it coming! There is also a parallel discussion: [Yanny or Laurel? You decide!][4] [1]:...