User Portlet User Portlet

Carl Lange
Aha, finally the motivation to spend a few hours adding some functions! Looking forward to this!
I would really love to see some more maths-related courses. I really love the Calculus course, because I don't use Wolfram Language much for maths and my knowledge of the area is pretty limited. It would be cool to see more like that - maybe some...
Again not so much a bug as a quality-of-life improvement: GeoWithinQ could use a bit of a speedup - at the moment it uses the network, which makes it pretty much useless when you have ten thousand points around Europe and you only want to see the...
Thanks a lot Jose, I look forward to it. Thanks for all your hard work on the Geo* functions!
In the meantime I'm using this function to do it. randomCrop[is_, sz_] := Module[{x = RandomReal[{-1, 1}], y = RandomReal[{-1, 1}]}, ImageCrop[#, sz, {x, y}] & /@ is ]
And let me just say, the neural net repo is one of the most useful things I've seen in years. Well done.
I love it. I'm such a fan of how machine learning has added some frivolity to making computers do things!
Fantastic! What gave you the idea of using UNET for this? Did you try some of the networks on the [neural net repository]( as well? I doubt you'd get meaningful increases in accuracy, I'm just...
The New York Times just put out a [tool]( to help distinguish the two, which seems very much like it's a pitch slider. I'm sure we can all agree where they got...