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Henrik Schachner
Yes, yes, yes - as it occurred to me in a sleepless night, you are absolutely right, sorry Gianluca! The correct result of NIntegrate[Sqrt[1 + Exp[-2 x]], Element[{x, y}, Circle[{0, 0}, 2]]] should definitely be 0. And one can generate more...
Hi Rebin, I am glad that you like my approach. For scaling the final .stl-file try e.g.: Printout3D[spm, TargetUnits -> Quantity[10, "Centimeters"]]
Try e.g.: eqn = {a + b == c, a == d*e}; vars = {a, b, c, d, e}; Reduce[eqn, #] & /@ vars N.b.: '=' is an assignment; for defining an equation you need '=='.
Hi Ryder, maybe this helps a bit: arrivalDelaysRaw = FlightData[Entity["Airport", "MEM"] -> Entity["Airport", "LGA"], {"ArrivalDelay"}, {DateObject[{2023, 1, 1}], DateObject[{2023, 1, 10}]}]; arrivalDelays0 =...
Hi Alex, as it seems, Nakagami is slightly better. But if you let the system decide, the NormalDistribution winns: gam = EstimatedDistribution[data, GammaDistribution[\[Alpha], \[Beta]]]; nak = EstimatedDistribution[data,...
Well, for me hard to tell. Maybe anyone else has more experience with data fitting. More data in combination with a better model would certainly help. And I would repeat some measurements to get an idea about their general accuracy before making an...
The point is that a name for a symbol cannot start with a digit. This is described in the documentation for ["Symbol"][1] / "Details": > The string "name" in Symbol["name"] must be an appropriate name for a symbol. It can contain any letters,...
Gianluca, your are simply too fast - and with the better solution! Best regards -- Henrik
Hi all, I basically think that `ListContourPlot[]`, `ListPlot3D[]` and friends should simply **not** accept ambiguous data - like it is the case with `Interpolation[]`. Here comes immediately the warning "There are duplicated abscissa points in ..."....
Here are just some thoughts: You can do the plot with logarithmic scaling like so: Plot3D[tp*Sqrt[1 - ((2*G*M)/r)], {r, 0, 2*10^14}, {M, 1, (6.5*10^9)*(1.989*10^90)}, AxesLabel -> {" ", "Time (s)"}, AxesLabel -> {Style[" (m)",...