User Portlet User Portlet

You never mentioned an exports file and the definition of `RhoH2OTempDLL` does not start with `extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)`. Seeing that symbols are hidden by default on Windows, that would be the first thing I would verify.
In 14.0? No. The only option is setting the Magnification globally to 75%. In 13.3 and earlier, you can opt back into the compatibility mode via `CurrentValue[$FrontEnd, "ScreenResolutionCompatibilityMode"] = True`. The results from...
“Printer’s points” are 1/72nd of an inch. The size of a pixel is device dependent. On Windows, a 1080p display is typically around 1/96th of an inch.
`TableView` is listed as Experimental, and it is very much still a work in progress.
The formatting toolbar was made obsolete by the new default toolbar and has been deprecated. > though Help system includes it? Sounds like the docs hadn't been updated, I'll look into getting it updated.
`Dynamic[x]` is not evaluated by the Kernel while evaluating `GeoGraphics[Locator[Dynamic[x]]`. It is only after the graphic is returned to the notebook that `x` is then evaluated. So the original output is "kinda" equivalent to...
55296 (otherwise known as d800) is the first code point in the [reserved range][1] for UTF-16's surrogate pairs. Values in that range are technically invalid to use (outside of their intended use in UTF-16 encoded strings). [1]:...
Windows is probably still setup to consume some of these key sequences for switching languages. Ctrl + Shift + 0 happens to be the most common collision with the system. You can find that setting in Settings app > (Win10 -> Devices, Win11 -> Time...
The DrawingTools palette was replaced by the inline tools available to `Canvas`. In 13.2, it was removed from the layout. The current method is just select the graphic you want to modify, hit Ctrl+D (Graphics > Convert to/from Canvas), and that...
What happens when you evaluate the following? RunProcess[ FileNameJoin[{$InstallationDirectory, "SystemFiles", "Converters", "Binaries", $SystemID, "XML.exe"}]] Does it ask for a link name? Or is there an error of some kind?