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Hi Rich, I have been looking for something like this! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Using some workarounds from [@Valerio on Q170416][1] and [@halirutan plus @Nasser on Q69912][2] I've confirmed the issue arises from machine precision/ underflow checking. With those workarounds in place, the equation calculated in Version 12...
k1 = {{{1, 1}, {1, 1}}, {}} ; k11 = {{{1, 1}}, {{0, 1}}}; g = (1 + 10^(15/10)); out = Abs[Hfunction[k1, k11, g, 2000] ]; Print[out]; (** gives 3.5152 **) (**************) and N[Log[1 + 10^(15/10)]] (** gives 3.48501 **)
try this: EquationTrekker EquationTrekker is one way to plot differential equations in Mathematica and not the easiest to find in Help (it's mentioned somewhere). EquationTrekker has an interface for plotting (gradients) in the way it plots...
Roll your own?: sw[x_, a_: 0] := Max[0, Mod[x - a, 1 + a, -a]]; Plot[sw[x, 1], {x, -5, 5}]
I am not familiar with the type of equation(s) above, but if you know v(t) and one initial condition, it is possible to find x(t) with DSolve. DSolve[x'[t] == v[t] \[Omega] /. v[t] -> Sin[\[Omega] t], x[t], t]
Assuming the formula are right, I do the following to make the program (as you wrote it) to work. Starting at the "For loop". For[i = 1, i number}, which can't be \ re-used.*) start = x /. ans[[1]]; (*This is just a...
Since you provide no boundary conditions, a similarity solution with eta=x/y can be found in Mathematica: eq = HoldForm[(x - y)*D[f[x, y], x, y] - D[f[x, y], x] + D[f[x, y], y]] eqt = eq /. f[x, y] -> f[eta] /. eta -> x/y ...
Hi use this: PlotLegends -> Placed[LineLegend[c,LegendLabel -> "Solar Concentration"], {Scaled[{0.5, 0.5}], {0.5, 0.5}}] this method published by " Priyan Fernando" and You need to change the numbers however. goodluck
Hi Please check this: Plot[3 Sin[x], {x,-6,6},Epilog->{{Arrow[{{5,1.8}, {3,1}}], Text["E=5",{5, 2}], Arrow[{{5, 1.8},{2, 1}}],Text["E=5", {4, 2}]},Text["E=4", {-3, 2}]}]