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SameQ looks for an exact correspondence. Therefore, SameQ[x^2 - 1, (x + 1) (x - 1)] returns False, while the expressions are mathematically identical. When I am faced with situations like yours I would check by evaluating it numerically. The...
The documentation for StreamPlot shows that StreamPlot is expecting a vector as its argument. The "Details and options" lists show three statements that apply. - StreamPlot does not show streamlines at any positions for which the Subscript[v, i]...
Like this? Show[Plot[SawtoothWave[x], {x, #[[1]], #[[2]]}, (*Plot options.*) PlotRange -> {{-12, 12}, All}, ExclusionsStyle -> Dashed(*Plot*)] & /@ {{-2,0.1(*to get the dashes*)}, {1, 5.1}, {9, 10.1}}(*Show*)]
I am not familiar with the type of equation(s) above, but if you know v(t) and one initial condition, it is possible to find x(t) with DSolve. DSolve[x'[t] == v[t] \[Omega] /. v[t] -> Sin[\[Omega] t], x[t], t]
Assuming the formula are right, I do the following to make the program (as you wrote it) to work. Starting at the "For loop". For[i = 1, i number}, which can't be \ re-used.*) start = x /. ans[[1]]; (*This is just a...
The proper syntax is as follows, without the square brackets around x. Square brackets enclose argument(s) to function(s). Plot[-0.000044 x^2 + 0.03 x + 1000, {x, 0, 5000}, PlotRange -> {{0, 5000}, {1500, 0}}]
Manipulate[ q = t + z; Graphics[Point[Table[{q, Sin[q]}, {t, 0, a, 2 \[Pi]/10}]]], {a, 0, 2 \[Pi]}, {z, -1, 1}]
My observations were incorrect; the proposed solution does simplify to zero if i used Simplify[]. Ignore my post. Thank you.
Have you considered if SetPrecision will be sufficient. A tutorial with a larger scope is found in tutorial/NumericalPrecision. Hope it helps.
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