User Portlet User Portlet

Jari Kirma
I suggest trying the following: [mcode]a = 1.36; b = .003183; R = .0820578; T = 333; Chop[Array[FindRoot[vi - ((((2.9 + #) + (a/vi^2)) (vi - b) - (R T))/((2.9 + #) - (a/vi^2) + (2 a b/vi^3))) == 0, {vi, 4 + I}] &, 56]] (* {{vi -> 0}, {vi ->...
It might be worth mentioning that ImageKeypoints provided by Mathematica uses a SURF ( ) detector to find keypoints. SURF is development partially based on SIFT, which...
Abs[x] is the absolute value function, that is |x|.
This is my try:[mcode]createFileHandle[filename_] := {filename, 0}; readNewLines[{filename_, pos_}] := Module[{f, str}, f = OpenRead[filename]; SetStreamPosition[f, pos]; str = StringCases[StringJoin@ReadList[f, Character],...
I just tried, and was able to perform more than three (five or something) step-by-step queries in a row. This option is available through == WolframAlpha connection. I have no idea about WRI policy on this.
 @MohamedZaghloul: you can export per-frame data in the following way, in this case 100 frames: [mcode]n = 1000; r := RandomInteger[{1, n}]; f := (#/(.01 + Sqrt[#.#])) & /@ (x[[#]] - x) &; s := With[{r1 = r}, p[[r1]] = r; q[[r1]] = r]; x =...
You probably want to check out ImageFeatureTrack ( ) and its friend, ImageCorrespondingPoints...
A small if crude example of data from Leap Motion, when the controller is initialized like in this thread: [mcode]getFrameData = Module[{getFrame, getFingerList, getVector, makeRule, fun}, getFrame[controller_] := controller@frame[]; ...
Depending on how you look at this problem, it is either a knapsack ( ) or bin packing...
Speaking in somewhat uncertain terms, is a good answer to this. Being pedantic, it is not a perfect one, but it works. ImageTransformation...