User Portlet User Portlet

Hello everyone. Some time ago I wrote a code that adds some values to the beggining of a vector of data (X, f(X)=Y) which is later used for Shannon interpolation as follows: data = sample; data = SortBy[data, First];(* just in...
I see. Thanks for answering.
Indeed it does. Thank you very much
Hello Rohit. First of all, thanks for your answer. [Sinc][1] is a mathematica function, while I have defined sinc as `sinc = Sinc[Pi #] & ;` I am then attaching the code then in case it can be useful. Regards. [1]:...
Hello Gustavo. First of all, thanks for your answer. I am trying to send a mathematical expression readable by pyomo to another person. I have constructed it in Mathematica and then adapted it to Python's grammar as savedXPython = ...
Hi Rohit. Thanks for your answer. It works like a charm. Regards. Jaime.
Thank you so much. The output is just what I need. I will try to understand what you have written. Thank you so much. Regards. Jaime.
It works indeed. Thank you very much.
It works fine. Thank you very much