User Portlet User Portlet

Joel Klein
Add a second argument to FormFunction to specify you want an image format: CloudDeploy[ FormFunction[{{"x","Sprache eingeben:"}->"Language"}, ...
Silvia, glad to see you trying things out! What you found here is a problem rather particular to this ImportString (of a URL looking for Data) running in an API. It will work fine in a cloud notebook. We know what the issue is and are working on a...
Working with .m files interactively is not supported yet. You would need to keep two tabs open, one with the .m editor and one notebook to load and evaluate.
We definitely would like to see `CompilationTarget -> "C"` supported in the cloud down the road. The limiting factor there is that we currently block both child processes (for invoking the C compiler) and LibraryLink (for arbitrary user-generated...
Encoded packages should work in the Wolfram Cloud, and on seeing your question, I have successfully uploaded an encoded pacakge and loaded it with Get[filename, key]. I wonder if the package is uploaded successfully. You could try...
Given: contents of a text file, which may have Unix or Windows line endings, as a byte list Task: compute the line count Example: bytes={65, 13, 10, 66, 67, 13, 10} I thought Count[bytes, PatternSequence[13,10]] might do the trick,...
If f takes 2 arguments, is either of these pattern match forms faster? f[x_,___] := expr or f[x_,_] := expr 
I want to remove lines of text that match a pattern. I'm not sure why the first line is not matched by the replacement rule here: StringReplace["x \na", {"x" ~~ (Except[EndOfLine] ...) ~~ EndOfLine -> ""}]If I have this shorter...
I want to produce the standard range of camera f-stops in a tidy way in Mathematica, and this is pretty close: In[29]:= Table[Floor[Sqrt[2^n], 0.1], {n, 1., 10.}] Out[29]= {1.4, 2., 2.8, 4., 5.6, 8., 11.3, 16., 22.6, 32.}However, I...
That is quite cool, I like the embedded mathematical notation. I'm interested in how convenient your workflow is for doing that, where there is anything that could stand improving.