User Portlet User Portlet

Jesse Friedman
In a similar vein, with `SequenceReplace`: `SequenceReplace[anylist, {Repeated[v_]} :> v]`
Setting `PerformanceGoal -> "Speed"` disables highlighting (this does not appear to be documented). This effectively sets the hidden option `"HighlightStyle" -> None`, which I suppose you could also use standalone.
I think the reality is actually a bit more subtle than what httpbin shows. The raw HTTP request without `"attachment"` looks like this: POST /anything HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: */* Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate ...
![An animation of the relative positions over time of the Sun, the three inner planets, and the Parker Solar Probe][1] &[Wolfram Notebook][2] [1]:...
This is an excellent and thorough exploration of Wolfram Language-as-backend design, which is a very powerful paradigm for when a FormFunction frontend doesn't quite cut it. I particularly enjoyed the discussion in session 3 of image sizing and...
That works great, Ian! Thanks for the prompt response.
Cryptographic hash functions are designed to be irreversible, or at least extremely hard to reverse. For all intents and purposes, with a good hash algorithm it is virtually impossible to calculate an input that hashes to a desired output. However,...
You can do something like this: image1 = Import["image1.gif"]; image2 = Import["image2.gif"]; Export["merged.gif", Join[image1, image2]]
Thanks for pointing that out! It looks like I missed some of the line when I copied it. It should be: words = Flatten[ Table[# -> {WordData[#, "Hyphenation"], Flatten[WordData[#, "Synonyms"][[All, 2]]]} & /@ ...
Unfortunately, I don't believe there's a built-in Wolfram Language function that can list the contents of a remote directory. But if you have a Unix-based machine, (Linux, BSD, Mac, etc.) you can use this function I wrote: ftpFileNames[host_,...