User Portlet User Portlet

Jonathan Kinlay
Hi Henrick Can you send me a copy of your resume? I may have something for you... Thanks Jonathan Kinlay
Probably best to continue this offline. I am on Can you send me your coordinates?
I have been asked by Wolfram Research whether I intend to include the code. The answer is yes. There is a little tidying up to do first and then we'll post it.
I think what I am saying is that the whole methodology may be invalidated by the method used to de-noise the dataset. I don't see a way forward from there, other than to do the analysis properly, i.e. de-noise each individual in-sample and...
So I have developed a new game in WL. The game concept is novel (so I believe) and is both entertaining and educational, requiring the application of both knowledge and logic, and could serve as a very effective pedagogical tool in middle/high...
Thanks Bob. Two excellent solutions here. Much appreciated.
Thanks Clayton!
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
Rafal, Thanks for the further detailed explanation. I've been experiencing some difficulty creating HDF5 files in WL and reading them into Python, and vice-versa. If you happened to have a couple of canned examples of how the function...
Hi Sander, I didn't envisage that the program generator would create a question, as such. It would simply generate a single, random line of WL code that produces "interesting" output of some kind. I envisage the generator function taking...