User Portlet User Portlet

Jonathan Kinlay
Jack, ditto: > Are you able to give some specific example of how Wolfram script enables you to deploy stand-alone applications? I'd like to dig into it a little more, as it may be that I (and others) are missing a trick...
Hi Sam, no it was a very general question I raised, independently.
Does anyone know of any (worthwhile) examples of iOS apps created for Wolfram Player? I've played around with it a little, enough to discover that, with the exception of textbook apps, most CDF-apps are virtually unusable, at least on my iPhone. ...
It's rather fun to experiment with Mathematica's ImageRestyle function, which can produce some interesting results when applied iteratively. In this illustration we start with a photographic image of Zurich: img = ![enter image description...
Thanks once again Frederick! Hope to see more posts from you in future... Jonathan
I would really like to see a one-liner competition for machine-generated algorithms.
Not off-topic at all - thanks for the heads-up!
I have written extensively about statistical arbitrage strategies in other posts, for example: - [Succesful Statistical Arbitrage][1] - [Developing Statistical Arbitrage Strategies Using Cointegration][2] - [Pairs Trading with Copulas][3] ...
Over on Stack Exchange a [user][1] posted the following [question][2]: > This is a basic question about using the KalmanFilter function. I > want to use the KalmanFilter function (or other related Kalman Filter > functions in Mathematica) to...
Is it just me, or are community posts not being updated? I recently received email notification that some posts I follow had been updated, but I don't see the updates. For example, I don't see this post (or various others I have been notified of,...