User Portlet User Portlet

Cool. I don't know if it's a bad idea or not, but you could make this even more streamlined by setting something like: $Post = Replace[#, {Alternatives[_Graphics, _Image] :> qView[#]}] & so that Graphics and Image expressions (and/or...
Are both files returned by: FileNames["*.txt", Directory[]] And if so, does: file=Part[FileNames["*.txt", Directory[]],1]; Import[file] and so on for each position (presumably there will be two based on your screenshot) work?...
Hi, Given this data: good = {{{"foo"}, {0, 1, 0, 0}}}; bad1 = {{{"foo"}, {0, 0, 0, 0}}}; bad2 = {{{"foo"}, {0, "foo", 0, 0}}};I want the test to evaluate to True if the numeric list contains only numbers, but not all zeros. This gets...
Given that: In[201]:= DateDifference[{2011, 1, 19}, {2011, 1, 18}] Out[201]= -1any alternate/creative methods to do the same thing faster? [mcode]In[195]:= Timing[Do[DateDifference[{2011, 1, 19}, {2011, 1, 18}], {1000}];] Out[195]=...
 Since Cases allows one to replace a pattern via this form: Cases[{e1, ...}, pattern->rhs]You could wrap the pattern in HoldPattern so it knows that you aren't trying to do a recplacement: [mcode]In[20]:= Cases[set1, HoldPattern[_ ->...