User Portlet User Portlet

Hey Alexander, Is this what you looking for? ......Regards, Jos ![enter image description here][1] [1]: parameters = {{1, 0.910299}, {2,...
Dear S M Blinder, Thanks, I am working on a similar code, but can I add also a Manipulator to start filling from the lowest peak up to the highest peak? Your support will be highly appreciated ! Regards,....Jos
Dear Mr. Seth Chandler, Thanks for your information, this is very useful ! Regards,.....Jos
Plot[t^3 && -25 Text[y == x^3, {3.2, 15}] ]
Hi Sander, Thanks for your quick replay and excellent support ! Best Regards,.....Jos
Hi Margherita, I hope this will help. Cheers,....Jos (MM Version a = {10, 11, 15, 14}; b = {2, 5, 4, 6}; ListLinePlot[{a, b} , Frame -> True , PlotLabel -> Style["Test"] , PlotRange -> {{1, 4},...
![enter image description here][1] [1]:
Hi John, Thanks for your excellent support ! Regards,.......Jos
Hi Henrik, I'm very pleased with your support and tips. This is what I'm looking for. Thank You. Regards,......Jos
Hi Sandu, See also my updated comments and code on 'Labeling Two Plot Axis': Cheers....... Jos [][1] [1]:...