User Portlet User Portlet

Kay Herbert
I want to create an API that passes web links to a web page where a user then can select a web page Example: CloudDeploy[ APIFunction[{"name" -> "String"}, HTTPResponse[ XMLTemplate[" Hello "][ #name|>]] &],...
Does anyone know how I can customize the background image and or company logo in a presenter notebook? I like to take advantage of Mathematica in my presentations but need to format it in my company style as one can do in power point presentations.
*MODERATOR NOTE: coronavirus resources & updates:* ---------- The attached notebook takes fatality resource data and creates a curve fit based on the data and the fact that the expected fatalities will reach...
Dr. Chung recently received a reward from Wolfram for his symbolic package. Does anyone know how to gain access? here is his book: [book][1] defunct link: defunct 2011 sample: ...
In[18]:= y = Integrate[z, z] Out[18]= z^2/2 In[19]:= fu[u_] := y /. z -> u In[20]:= fs[3] Out[20]= 9/2 In[21]:= fz[z_] := y In[22]:= fz[3] Out[22]= z^2/2 why doesn't...
I can login on Facebook but are unable to post (Twitter works fine for me). Is there something I need to do? ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /c/portal/getImageAttachment?filename=8120Capture.PNG&userId=81318
I have some DAE's (differential - algebraic equations) in notebooks that solved fine in 7/2013. But now I get and the error: NDSolve::ivres: NDSolve has computed initial values that give a zero residual for the differential-algebraic system, but...
I'm not very strong with http and urlfetch, but I'm trying to log in to my TD-Ameritrade account with urlfetch here is the API description: ![login post request][1] How do I pass the parameters and how do call urlfetch? what is a content type http...
Has anyone ever tried to interface to the TD Ameritrade API and obtain realtime level II data or even execute trades? This would be some interest for me.
I recently bought a Lenovo Yoga II Pro which has a 3200x1800 screen resolution. When I open Demonstrations in Chrome (or IE) I get this annoying display: ![CDF file][1] a NB file looks like this: ![NB in browser][2] Is there some kind of...