User Portlet User Portlet

Kay Herbert
No. TCC is Telsa Compute claster. It uses TCC driver and not WDDM.
Hello, in case anyone still needs assistance, this link may help: .
Gareth, such an effort would involve eliminating several existing functionalities - so potential users would have to be educated as to why that is the case. In my perspective, this suite of functions would be invoked by WL and perhaps a WL GUI...
I want to create an API that passes web links to a web page where a user then can select a web page Example: CloudDeploy[ APIFunction[{"name" -> "String"}, HTTPResponse[ XMLTemplate[" Hello "][ #name|>]] &],...
Does anyone know how I can customize the background image and or company logo in a presenter notebook? I like to take advantage of Mathematica in my presentations but need to format it in my company style as one can do in power point presentations.
I forgot to mention that there was also Macsyma (Lisp based) which at the time (1980's) was the dominant software in the space. Macsyma apparently had several problems, no implementation on various popular platforms, licensing, cost and ability in...
In the contest of this post, I may want to point to this here [Installing Mathematica under 64-bit Kali Linux on a Raspberry Pi][1] First it lists stumbling blocks that may also arise in different contexts (a user must be member of the `video`...
This post has been listed in the main resource-hub COVID-19 thread: in the section *Computational Publications*. Please feel free to add your own comment on that discussion pointing to this post (...
Thanks for the suggestion, Ilian. Prime95 didn't crash my machine, but resetting everything in the BIOS to defaults does seem to have resolved the issue! Thanks everyone for helping me figure this out.
Sometimes the web sites use JSON files, so I look for ".json" file path in the source of the website: ![enter image description here][1] [1]: ...