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Raspi Rascal
Maybe this helps. Just made it for myself. We need to study the documentation more thanks.
Hello Kuba, thanks for the pointer. Yes, now i can see what is happening there, the dynamics, the functionality of the code. Wow. Many subtleties and implications regarding the Dynamic[ ] command are still half a mystery to me but i'll just have...
I am in the middle of my highschool maths work, today's topic being variance $var(X)$, so I am just commenting, sharing a thought/criticism: Is MathWorld (MW) owned by Wolfram Mathematica (WM)? Then why doesn't WM link to the respective article on...
Actually I found a [cumbersome][1] workaround for [striking/stroking][2] individual characters, [it is okay][3] for many uses, but doesn't work on 2D input ![enter image description here][4] [1]:...
Thank you so much [@Henrik][at0] for the interesting coding alternative, which I wasn't able to figure out on my own (*pattern matching*). I learn, forget, need to relearn, forget again, omg. Actually I am writing a book (a solutions manual to a...
good question, is there any copyright on the GIF or the code, or could just anybody take this and use it for reposting and commercialization, without even giving credit?
Re: Mathematical Notation. In the *Mathematica* notebook session: Maybe the easiest way for *Mathematica* end-users is to right-click on the cell bracket of a 2D-formatted formula and choose "**Copy As**" "**LaTeX**" from the context menu. ...
Thanks Mike!! Happy Holidays to you and everyone else too, cheers!
Interesting approach, thank you! Your True is only valid for Infinity, not for normal values, as shown in the graph. Looks like the expression is a challenge for the Wolfram engine.
![vnc viewer app][1] Apart from Wolfram Cloud app and Wolfram Cloud WWW, i also make good use of Raspberry Pi access through the VNC Viewer app (at home via WiFi connection, on the road via cloud connection). I am **NOT** sure how many of the...