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Raspi Rascal
Obviously I am not very experienced working with arrays (and procedural programming). Anywho, if I may, I encountered the above *HowTo*-problem when translating an old *PASCAL* program to *Wolfram L* code, the famous [birthday paradoxon][1]. Here is...
Great nested procedural coding, thanks for the alternative! The final line in your code would be: sol2 = Append[#, Complement[urne, Flatten[#]]] & /@ cand1; sol2 == sol (* True *) I have added your code with comments in my book...
Okay, now I am impressed. Just switching from **AppendTo** to **Sow**/**Reap** reduced the runtime from 49min down to 8.7sec, unbelievable!! Many thanks to [@Benjamin Goodman][at0] for posting the tip in [a lasting thread][1] where the contributive...
[see][1] "x|->f — new syntax for Function with named variables" btw [your post][2] is **the only** bookmark I am keeping from this community site. [1]: [2]:...
Hi Rohit, thanks so much for the helpful answer! I am feeling so beginner haha. I haven't been doing maths with *Mathematica* other than high school level maths, the language keeps me busy already. I must have heard of **MatrixPower** before, but...
The acceptable URL has changed from "https" to "http". I finally understood [@Rohit][at0]'s code and broke it down to more steps, showing an easier/less elegant alternative to the **MapAt** approach. page = Import[ ...
The similar function BooleanMinimize does better: In[11]:= BooleanMinimize[a || ! b, "DNF", LogicalExpand[! (a && b)]] BooleanMinimize[! b || a, "DNF", LogicalExpand[! (a && b)]] Out[11]= ! b Out[12]= ! b ...
Great stuff there, thank you! None of these functions do what i am looking for but they are interesting on their own, i'll study them in more detail. Looking at that page, it seems like a Multisets() function was not implemented in the original...
Here is another real life example. Everyday our local authority publishes the updated pair of numbers (coroona infections vs deaths) on their webpage, even on weekends. Plotting the data with ListPlot[] visualizes the course of the numbers, with the...
Thanks Ilya for the clear facts, very helpful indeed! A benchmark score of **0.18** on the raspi4 isn't impressive at all imho.