User Portlet User Portlet

Kuba Podkalicki
Defer is useful but very often omitted in topics about 'holding' functions. I don't have experience with LISP either but here is what should explain it to you. Let's take a trip from an input to the output (I will ignore not related steps): -...
Unless I missed something there should be `d^2` next to the first term, or? ## Here is what you can do: fun /. f -> Function[{x, y}, d^2 g[ d x, d y]] or, less verbose fun /. f -> ( d^2 g[ d #, d #2]& ) ## Why did your...
[cross posted in mathematica.stackexchange]( # Problem The serious flaw of `Dynamic` is a combination of facts: - it is triggered/refreshed by any kind of mutation of a symbol, -...
DynamicModule[{tr = 1}, Column[{ Show[ ParametricPlot[ {Cos[t], Sin[2 t ]}, {t, 0, 2 Pi}, GridLines -> Dynamic[List /@ CurrentValue[{"MousePosition", "Graphics"}]] , PlotStyle ->...
## Intro `PaneSelector` looks like a pretty idiomatic way to toggle displayed content e.g.: PaneSelector[ {True -> progressBar, False -> button} , Dynamic @ processing ] Analogous `If` version: Dynamic[...
You are right, corrected.
@Henrik, here you go: ![enter image description here][1] $textureGeoZoomLevel = 10; $elevationGeoZoomLevel = 7; $area = {Transparent, GeoCircle[Entity["Volcano", "Kilauea"], Quantity[100, "Kilometers"]]}; ...
[@Szabolcs Horvát][at0] [@Giulio Alessandrini][at1] I don't recommend using GeneralUtilities for production. It is a very nice but a playground. E.g. 11.3's version does not export `ThrowTaggedFailure` anymore and I needed to patch it in my code....
Personally I do not mind a huge symbols base. As long as the core is clearly outlined and well documented. Which is not the case because there is no clear border between "the base" functions and all syntactic sugar or utilities that are around....
`Subscript` is not special except of the way it is formatted. Let's replace it with e.g. `h` to clearly show what is the problem: h[m, e] = 10; m = 20; m/h[m, e] > 20 / h[20,e] This was the first evaluation. You expected...