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In 2022, I compiled the source code of nauty into Windows binaries using **Cygwin**, and it is now ready to run under Windows. Before that, I had Linux installed on my computer. glist8 = Import["!D:/nauty27r3/geng -c 8,", "Graph6"]; //...
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I'd like to solve the Limit of the following Sequence on Mathematica 12 : DiscreteLimit[(1 + Sin[Pi*Sqrt[4*n^2 + 1]])^n, n -> Infinity] No results given by Mathematica. But I do some corresponding equivalent deformation, ...
Thanks for the response! The method you used in Sage can be implemented like this with IGraph/M: ``` IGTryUntil[ConnectedGraphQ]@RandomGraph[{20, 20}] ``` This keeps re-trying until `RandomGraph[{20, 20}]` produces a connected result. Of...
Thanks, you are awesome. I encountered it at the first time.
thank you very much! it is excellent.
thank you! it is cute code
Too many thanks to you! it solved my problem.
`Band[{1, 1}] -> 0` can be omitted, certainly. Also, you can put in the assignments of the corner elements in `SparseArray[]` itself. Thus, With[{n = 5}, SparseArray[{Band[{2, 1}] -> I, Band[{1, 2}] -> I, {1,...
Is it a setup problem? May be bug. If you find a solution, Could you share it. It is strange.