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I am very excited about the update of IGraph you told me. It is very well! ![enter image description here][1] [1]:
I'd like to solve the Limit of the following Sequence on Mathematica 12 : DiscreteLimit[(1 + Sin[Pi*Sqrt[4*n^2 + 1]])^n, n -> Infinity] No results given by Mathematica. But I do some corresponding equivalent deformation, ...
I have a premature opinion idea : First I can generate a random graph, then we choose one vertex randomly from each connected component of the graph, and connect them as a path.
Thanks, you are awesome. I encountered it at the first time.
thank you very much! it is excellent.
thank you! it is cute code
Too many thanks to you! it solved my problem.
Very thanks to you
Is it a setup problem? May be bug. If you find a solution, Could you share it. It is strange.
Thank you very much for your help? Before you introduce your IGraph function, If I want to get k- IndependentVertexSets, I can only find all the vertices subset of order k and using function **IndependentVertexSetQ**. It is not convient convenient.