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I want to be able to use Manipulate on Show[plot1,plot2] in order to make groups of plot appear/disappear. I've tried running the code below but the checkmarks doesn't add/remove the visibility of plots. plot1 = Plot[{Cos[x], 2*Cos[x],...
Sorry for the lack of clarity. What I mean is that I wanted it to not evaluate the division but display it as a fraction instead.
Why does using Evaluated -> True in Parametric Plot causes a Part and Mapthread error? I use the same type of code in my Non-Parametric Plot but it doesn't cause the same type of error that Parametric Plot Does. I figured that it might be caused by...
How do I color each individual curves differently inside a single plot using a custom color function? The code used to work when I had manually created the variables instead of using a Do Loop to automatically generate variables. I've used both...
Thank you! This was really helpful. Regards, Lance
How do I use LabelingFunction on a List of String Variables or a Function that generates String Variables? I want the List Plot to Display the individual elements of the List variable LabelString. LabelString = Table[StringForm["Test # ``",...