User Portlet User Portlet

How to submit NetTrain as a local process? LocalSubmit do not work, i.e., net = NetChain[{LinearLayer[], LogisticSigmoid}]; LocalSubmit[ NetTrain[net, {1 -> False, 2 -> False, 3 -> True, 4 -> True}, TargetDevice -> "GPU"], ...
Dear all, I want to convert a Graphic type variable into an image. For example, I'm trying the following code to convert a simple graphics, {PointSize[Small], Point[{1, 1}], Point[{0, 0}]} //Graphics[#, ImageSize -> {512, 512}] & //...
Dear all, when I try to install R the following error occurs: In[1]:= Needs["RLink`"] In[2]:= InstallR[] During evaluation of In[2]:= InstallR::fail: Failed to install R. The following error was encountered: Unable to...
What is the easier way to generate **class activation maps** (CAM) to a resnet or VGG-16 neural network? From the Wolfram Neural Net Repository the main function of the implementation of the resnet50 [[1]] is done using: resnet50 =...
Just one update given by the Wolfram support that may be useful: *Unfortunately, ConvolutionLayer can currently handle tensors of up to rank 3 right now:* *It is not currently...
Any news/update about the drivers? When I run FindDevices[] the output do not have SenseHat.
The solution from the Wolfram Premier Support: a= ExampleData[{"Sound", "AltoFluteScale"}, "Audio"]; Function[prop, AudioIntervals[a, (Slot[prop]
Dear all, I would like to know if is possible to dynamic access to the coordinates/indices of corners of the subimage (related to the original image) when using the DynamicImage function, i.e. img = ExampleData[{"TestImage", "Apples"}]; ...
Thank you!!!
Dear all, What are the options used to generate the spectrogram of the Sound object ? , i.e., ExampleData[{"Sound", "Apollo11PhoneCall"}] ![Sound Object][1] Although the the Spectrogram function or the SpectrogramArray allow to...