User Portlet User Portlet

[@Mike Sollami][at0] Thank you for digging into this. In order to make Sabrina's code work again in v13, you can use the following definitions (before evaluating the layers/networks): ScalarTimesLayer[s_] := ElementwiseLayer[s*#&] ...
While setting up my new MacBookPro with Mathematica, Workbench and Eclipse, I installed Workbench 3. Unfortunately, I get jlink errors when trying to unit test or open a Notebook from Workbench. I've already opened a support ticket, but it is...
How to submit NetTrain as a local process? LocalSubmit do not work, i.e., net = NetChain[{LinearLayer[], LogisticSigmoid}]; LocalSubmit[ NetTrain[net, {1 -> False, 2 -> False, 3 -> True, 4 -> True}, TargetDevice -> "GPU"], ...
I think specifying the proper PlotRange explicitly may get you what you're after: ``` Graphics[{PointSize[Small], Point[{1, 1}], Point[{0, 0}]}, ImageSize -> {25, 25}, PlotRange -> {{0, 1}, {0, 1}}] // ColorNegate ``` ![image][1] The...
This fixed it for me: Needs@"JLink`" UninstallJava[] Then install R.
Hey Pablo , I'm working on a pretty much similar project to the one that you have done. I'm working on fall detector using the Raspberry Pi and an Hexiwear watch which I used to get the accelerometer values for that I connected the Hexiwear to the...
What is the easier way to generate **class activation maps** (CAM) to a resnet or VGG-16 neural network? From the Wolfram Neural Net Repository the main function of the implementation of the resnet50 [[1]] is done using: resnet50 =...
Just one update given by the Wolfram support that may be useful: *Unfortunately, ConvolutionLayer can currently handle tensors of up to rank 3 right now:* *It is not currently...
Since this question became interesting in two other conversations recently, I am uploading here the slightly modified version of the style file, in which the above suggestions/solutions are implemented.
Take a look at: [Using the Sense HAT on a Raspberry Pi with Mathematica 11][1] [![enter image description here][2]][1] [1]: [2]:...