User Portlet User Portlet

Hi folks! We've been enjoying your Level 2 certification submissions so far. If you're curious about whether an idea you have would be fit to submit, please feel free to ask in this thread. (If you have technical questions, however, please wait for...
You can try `IntegrateChangeVariables`: IntegrateChangeVariables[ Inactive[Integrate][Cos[Sqrt[x^2 + y^2]], Element[{x, y}, Disk[]]], {r, \[Theta]}, "Cartesian" -> "Polar"]
The distance from the point `(2,2,2)` is unbounded from above along the plane `z=x+1`. There is a minimum but not a maximum. Here are the contour curves: Plot3D[x + 1, {x, 0, 4}, {y, 0, 4}, AxesLabel -> {x, y, z}, MeshFunctions ->...
I don't know that it's better, but what I do in such a case is something like expr /. {dt_Dt :> dt, theta -> Pi/3} The rules inside a list `{dt_Dt :> dt, theta -> Pi/3}` are tried in order, and the first to match is the only rule applied....
Hi Bogdan, I think that you can also just jump right into the course and acquire basic Wolfram Language skills from the numerous examples in the course. Use "Elementary Introduction ..." as a reference when you run into trouble or want to explore the...
Hello, Soomi. When you post a message to a group, you should get notifications whenever any new messages are posted to that group. This Daily Study Group ended about a month ago; most of the discussion from those daily sessions has ended. The...
Hi Jim and thanks so much. Would using the Variable function (Variable[ChiSquareDistribution[v]]) be a better option since calculating the variance is my Gold? However, I am not sure how to load the parameters of this function, and since there is...
The three additional points are just too close together with respect to the curve. As for your second attempt, here is how to show the three points: Show[Plot[PDF[NormalDistribution[0, 1], x], {x, -5, 5}], NumberLinePlot[{0.0425371,...
I asked chatGPT how to add a column to a matrix. It gave me two answers. The first method was wrong (it adds a row, not a column). The second answer was good: using `Join` with a level 2 specification: tbl0 = {{0.9`, 0.0584241190299567`,...
The 0.975 number is the probability needed for looking up z-star in tables, or for using the InverseCDF function to get z-star. The end points of a 95% confidence interval are the points at the ends of an interval that includes the central 95% of...