User Portlet User Portlet

In taking the quizzes, I would like to verify Question 2 in Quiz 1 and Question 6 in Quiz 2, in which I answered B and C respectively. If my answers are in fact incorrect, would someone please explain why. Thanks, Mitch Sandlin
Hi; When I replace {x,y,z} with {u,v,w} in the equation below, the answer does not seem to be exactly correct. For example, shouldn't Sqrt[v^2] reduce to simply v and (w^4)^(1/4) reduce to w? Something that makes things ever more confusing is...
Hi; It is my understanding that Mathematica can perform calculus integration range coordinate transformation from, for example, from Cartesion to Polar or Cartesion to Cylindrical or Cartesion to Spherical or any other variation. However, I am...
Hi; I am having difficulty using the Disk[] primitive to define my integration region - see attached. This method is quite new to me, however it seems really elegant, and I would sure like to learn how to use it correctly. Thanks, Mitch...
Hi; I am trying to find the radius of the smallest sphere centered at {2,2,2} that also intersects the surface z = x + 1 using Lagrange Multipliers - see attached notebook. Believing that I have found the correct solution using Lagrange...
Hi Gianluca; Thanks for the quick reply, I really appreciate it. Actually, I was in the process of trying to verify the given answer when I ran into problems with the Solve[] function. What you stated is exactly right - that the given answer is...
The quizzes used to indicate which ones were incorrect, but within the last year that was changed. I found the old method of indicating which answers were correct educational and the new method not so much. Thanks, Mitch Sandlin
Hi Arben; In this response, I have attached a notebook outlining exactly what I hope to accomplish with this problem, which is understanding how to perform these calculations using Mathematica. The attached notebook shows 5 or 6 different methods...
Hi Jim and thanks so much. Would using the Variable function (Variable[ChiSquareDistribution[v]]) be a better option since calculating the variance is my Gold? However, I am not sure how to load the parameters of this function, and since there is...
Hi; Please see attached notebook for explanation where I am trying to plot additional information along x- axes using Epilog in the Plot function or Show by trying to combine the Plot and NumberLinePlot functions. Thanks, Mitch Sandlin