User Portlet User Portlet

Martijn Froeling
Does anyone have a better solution for reading and writing half-precision float16? As far as I can find Mathematica does not support this at the moment or am I missing something? Currently, I'm reading the data as "UnsignedInteger16" and then...
Is there any $ system setting to switch the default dynamic plot highlighting off? I'm aware that with `PerformanceGoal -> "Speed"` but I'm getting a bit annoyed with having to add to all my functions. I have had many occasions when performing...
*MODERATOR NOTE: This is the notebook used in the livestream "QMRITools: Processing Quantitative MRI Data" on Wednesday, September 27 -- a part of Wolfram R&D livestream series announced and scheduled here: Subscribe to...
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
Quadro M1200 Intel i7 32 Gb RAM I'm currently rendering some large 3D scenes for some projects. I'm aware I'm pushing my hardware and Mathematica to its limits. I previously [asked some questions][1] about frontend crashes when using...
After installing 13.3 and testing my code I ran into an issue with `Arg` which i guess has to do with something in the handling of the numerical precision of complex numbers. To prevent stuff happing in the background of my data i always mask that...
I would be grateful if any of the coders here have some thoughts on how to improve upon what i did to get custom colormaps into Mathematica. Back in 2018 Fabio Crameri proposed some good color maps for scientific visualization and recently V8 was...
To render outputs of some of the methods I use i need display large amounts of [Lines and Tubes][1]. This had some issues before but are now all fixed ([here][2], [here][3], and [here][4]). In my application I can easily generate 0.5M tracts and...
![enter image description here][1] &[Wolfram Notebook][2] ![enter image description here][3] ![enter image description here][4] ![enter image description here][5] ![enter image description here][6] [1]:...
In version 13.2 the inner padding of `ColorSetter` changed. Does anyone know a hidden setting to allow changing this? I use it on many occasions but always with `ImageSize->20`. But with that spec the setter does not work anymore. Grid[Table[...