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Examples for: **Functional(Delay ) Integro-Differential Equations Involving Caputo Fractional Derivative with initial conditions or boundary conditions .** NDSolve[{CaputoD[y[x], {x, 1/2}] - 3 y[x - 1] + Integrate[y[2 t],...
You should report the problem on the GitHub [repository]( for WLJS.
It worked. Thanks!
Perhaps the developers [@Kirill Belov][at0] and [@Kirill Vasin][at1] have some thoughts on this. [at0]: [at1]:
Your curve looks close to [Viviani's Curve][1]: ![enter image description here][2] See different perspectives of that curve on that MathWorld page. [1]: [2]:...
1. A little note that one must first, of course, save the current notebook before setting the `SetDirectory`. 3. This method is not as general as one might wish, since the `.mx` file is saved in the current notebook's directory and not in...
The work by "Nasser" is nice, but it outputs the whole process as one long result. What I want is a Manipulate (or a Dynamic) with a button such that, each time one presses it, the next elementary operation is performed and the then-current state is...
This may also be used : ListLinePlot[Table[First[IntegerDigits[n^2]], {n, 100}]]
Mathematica 13.3 under macOS Ventrua 13.4.1 on Mac Studio, M1 Max, 64GB RAM: ![benchmark][1] [1]:
Not sure what I did wrong here, but the linked "Related" solution *does* fix the issue.