User Portlet User Portlet

Rodrigo Murta
I'm working in an implementation of Mailgun API for Mathematica. Just to leave a note for future readers, I discovered that Base64 are not supported in Gmail and Outlook, as you can check [here][1]. [1]:...
I'm playing with Salesforce in Mathematica trying to automate some PDF upload. I would like to know how can I execute the `HTTPRequest` as described by the curl below: ![enter image description here][1] Here is the [link][2] for Salesforce website...
MixedRadix is no longer the proper form, as you can check [here][1] Here is the most modern way: UnitConvert[Quantity[1040, "Seconds"], MixedUnit[{"Minutes", "Seconds"}]] 17min 20s [1]:...
I had the same issue in my Mac. It was solved installing ffmpag.
Yes, you are right! [][1] [1]:
A simple way: data = Dataset[{ 1, "b" -> 2|>, 3, "b" -> 4|>}] data[All, #a^2 + #b, "f2" -> N[Sin[#b + #a]]|> &] If you want to append the collumn: data[All, #a^2 + #b, "f2" -> N[Sin[#b + #a]]|> &]
I'm trying to use FormFunction to Upload data to a MySQL Database. After some debug, I believe the problem is that JDBC is not working with external database in Wolfram Cloud as can be checked in the print bellow. ![testing JDBC Connections][1]...
About debugger. I have made this here:
Interesting, but now I believe that **PermissionsKey** is the best way to do that. obj= CloudDeploy[APIFunction[{"n"->Integer},#n^2&],Permissions->{PermissionsKey["thekey"]->"Execute"}] URLExecute[obj, {"n" -> 123, "_key" -> "thekey"}] ...
Hi Andrew. The code above works? Do you have the link to StackExchange reference?