User Portlet User Portlet

Suba, Thank you. I did not notice your use of PlotStyle->None. That does the trick!. Yes, you can do something like the example above (which is already used in the documentation: Example 3 on the PoleZeroMarker Page) and make the Pole-Zero...
Diogo, As a general comment, your posted code examples rely too heavily on looping (Do[]). This is generally bad practice in Mathematica. There is (almost) always a better, faster way to program using functions such as Map, Nest, etc. If you...
Okay, I went ahead and looked at performance a bit. First, here's an alternate to your rho function: rho2[xp_, xg_, carga_, np_, ng_, dx_] := Module[ {rhoTable = Table[carga*np/(dx*ng), 1 + ng]}, rhoTable[[1 + ng]] = 0; ...
Thank you! This was really helpful. Regards, Lance
Interesting implementation, thank you for sharing! Strongly related MMa.SE question with another implementation: - [Convert BSplineFunction into two Interpolating Functions][1] [1]:
Perhaps something along these lines will give you a direction to follow: {tMin, tMax} = MinMax[ T[[All, 3]]] T[[All, 3]] = (T[[All, 3]] - tMin) (tMax - tMin) ListPlot3D[T, ColorFunction -> "TemperatureMap"] ...
> This is easily modeled with two IdealGearR2T blocks -- one with a 1:1 ratio to move from translation to rotation with no ratio and a second one to go from rotation back to translation with a 1:2 ratio (output is twice the input). The two blocks...
The issue seems to be that the "best" fit involves `a` and `b` set to their lower bounds and `NonlinearModelFit` just isn't reaching those lower values. But because it then appears obvious that the lower bounds for those two parameters are the...
Oh I see it now, there is a 'r' referenced internally (again) with another thing I get it. that's not even itself used except when I was trying to debug...
Thank you so much, mister Neil! You were so helpful twice, so thank you so much again!