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The url gives me a 404 error.
Malte hints in 2018 that it will eventually be possible to call MMA functions from SystemModeler, does anyone know how this is progressing. To date the focus has been on adding SystemModeler's capabilities into Wolfram Language.
Mathematica 13.3 under macOS Ventrua 13.4.1 on Mac Studio, M1 Max, 64GB RAM: ![benchmark][1] [1]:
The resource function [`DraculaTheme`]( is referenced in the paclet ["OpenAIMode"](
The code ClearAll["Global`*"] \[Nu] = 5*10^-5; k = 2*\[Pi]*\[Nu]; sol = NDSolve[{\[Nu]*u''[y] + k*(y)^2*Abs[u'[y]]*u''[y] == 0, u[0] == 0, u'[0.999553801] == 0}, u, {y, 0, 0.999553801}] works fine for me. It gives the...
Also added this explicitly. thanks!
While this thread is old, it appears to be still relevant. First of all, one may note that `DESlib` has not been abandoned as there is `DESlib2`, which has been developed and tested using Dymola 2021 according to the developers (V. Sanz and A....
Thank you sir! This way can help me solve this problem greatly! Regards Tony
Daniel, Sorry I missed your request. > I want to know why you use Im[(x + y*I)^2 + 1] + 8)/16 to scale the value to [0,1]? why not use Im[(x + y*I)^2 + 1] /8 directly? The Hue function ranges from 0 to 1 but your data ranges from -8 to 8 so...