User Portlet
Discussions |
Lance, You should not be using strings to construct expressions in Mathematica except in unusual cases. In this case you can do what you want directly without any strings. I can't understand what you want the final output to look like unless you... |
I had a typo, you need to grab the first (and only element) in the list: Import[myfile[[1]]] or do Import["Copied Files/Variables.csv"] Regards |
For anyone interested in seeing actual historical equipment, the NSA runs the [National Cryptological Museum in Maryland][1]. It has an amazing collection from ancient times through Cold War to modern times including Enigmas and they have the only... |
Suba, Thank you. I did not notice your use of PlotStyle->None. That does the trick!. Yes, you can do something like the example above (which is already used in the documentation: Example 3 on the PoleZeroMarker Page) and make the Pole-Zero... |
Diogo, As a general comment, your posted code examples rely too heavily on looping (Do[]). This is generally bad practice in Mathematica. There is (almost) always a better, faster way to program using functions such as Map, Nest, etc. If you... |
Diogo, > I am confused. so you are saying my code should be something like this? Almost. However, Do[] loops are generally not recommended in Mathematica. Also, the FractionalPart is always positive so the Abs is not necessary. I would use... |
I've found that the M1 MacBooks are faster all around than the Intel MacBooks. The GeekBench benchmarks show the M1 faster in both single and multiple core operations. For single core operations, It is one of the fastest processors ever made -- it... |
Lance, When Labeling multiple curves, the Callout must go in the PlotLabels->. ParametricPlot[ Evaluate[{q[\[Phi]], q'[\[Phi]]} /. NumericalDiffequaWith], {\[Phi], 0, 100}, PlotLabels -> Table[Callout["Test # " ... |
You can specify the style of the contours but if you do, you must generate a list for all of them: Using the example in the List ContourPlot documentation: clist = Function[{min, max}, Join[Range[min, max/2, 0.1], {{max/2, {Red,... |
I may have misunderstood which root you were trying to find. If you want to find the crossing of the x axis, as Henrik understood, then similarly you need to use First instead of Last in the g function above (or use Henrik's approach). Regards. |