User Portlet User Portlet

Otto Tronarp
Yes you can, but you do that in Simulation Center see [Simulation Center—Importing and Exporting][1]. Otto [1]:
You can introduce an infinitesimal small delay of the reseting of the timer with a pre block and thereby sample the output signal before it's reseted to zero, see attached model. Otto
Vijay, I thought you already followed Ankit's suggestion of manually configuring the compiler, but now when I read the log output again it seems that hasn't been done successfully. The isysroot argument is wrong here. "Log" ->...
>For example, being able to save a preset for a plot to meet a certain publication standard (colours, Labels, width, etc) would be great. For now, Sm-> Mathematica works. Yes that would indeed be useful. >For now, working with Modelica Fluids,...
I already had it installed. It seems to be signed with and outdated certificate, sounds like you could get around it by changing your system date: Or do something like this: ...
It means that the library you are opening uses Modeica Standard Library 3.2.3 and SystemModeler 4.3 supports and ships with 3.2.1. However, if the library doesn't use any of the new components from 3.2.3 it probably works fine with 3.2.1. Otto
Nothing has been dropped, but if you have a 64-bit FMU you need to compile your simulation as a 64-bit application. Now, he clearly controls both ends (since he compiled the FMU him self) so he has two options 1. Configure JModelica to compile a...
I was focused looking for the time unit so I scrolled immediately down to s and there isn't a s to y conversion. > Indeed agood case in point for allowing to have a custom conversion table that can easily be applied to modify the display of the...
> To reframe what your are saying, let us simply assume, that I have an exectuable instance of a model and the user can enter a value that is used when the simulation is actually started. On the screen I would have to tell the user an "instance...
SystemModeler has good support for 1 & 2, you can set deep modifiers using the component mode (double-click on a component i the class, select a component and set parameters using the regular views), there is also GUI support for lifting parameters...