User Portlet User Portlet

Otto Tronarp
Yes that that would be a really useful feature.
Once again Apple change the requirements checked by Gatekeeper so if you try to start SystemModeler you will be presented with this dialog: ![enter image description here][1] To get around that you can right click (or Ctrl click) and select...
Yes, Apple changed the requirements on signed applications in a patch release of El Capitan so it no longer considers SystemModeler to be correctly signed (this will be fixed in the next release). To get around it you can right-click (or ctrl + left...
Some googling indicates that the problem can come from that the linker picks up an incompatible version of the resource compiler (from Windows SDK 6.x). See for example ...
Sorry for the confusion, seems like I got the number of bytes for paket specific/payload length wrong and the results I got from that tricked me to the wrong conclusion.
Is this the problem that you still see? sme.4.1.0_1441279965_15636.cpp(661) : error C2675: unary '!' : 'boolean_array' does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator ...
MSL 3.2.1 is based on version 3.2 of the Modelica (language) specification and that's what SystemModeler supports. Now if you read about Modelica_Synchronous: *Free library to precisely define and synchronize sampled data systems with different...
*As a speculation on my part, I would say it has to do with something relating to how permissions are handled within Windows 8.1.* You might be right, I managed to get the same error if I removed the .bat file that is called to do the...
No that functionality isn't exposed in the GUI. If you have Mathematica you can do it from there, see Otto
I kind of suspected that, but I just wanted to show how easy this would be in SystemModeler. Unfortunately I cannot help you with the original problem.