User Portlet User Portlet

Hi Jessica! This is really cool work. I'm posting here because it inspired me to install NetLogo and the Mathematica-link, however I needed to fix a bug to get it to work: In line 226 of the link pkg NetLogo.m, I had to change ...
I didn't get a good svg from the app website, I think: ResourceFunction::usermessage : SVGImport::format: "/Users/pbarendse/Downloads/output(2).svg" does not appear to be a valid SVG file. >>
ok, I see. I had downloaded the notebook linked in the blue box, "Attachments: DOWLOAD-DESKTOP-...nb" what I needed to do was click on the link above that, labeled "Get this Notebook", which contains a similar nb called 147167611.nb kind of...
very cool stuff!! The display bug seems fixed (at least in Mathematica 13.2) [what I get][1] [1]:
I get some immediate errors when training, but if I change this line: Function[N[#BatchData["score"]][[1]]],"Key"->"Score"|> to this: Function[N[#BatchData["score"]]],"Key"->"Score"|> it works. (and it seems pretty clear from...
looks like the attachment here disappeared
We are currently fixing this issue
It's amazing how many words I don't know. I think some human it picking the secret words, though. Given the list of them so far, it seems to be a different dictionary than the accepted words (maybe the average of their use-frequency is statistically...
Great project and post! I'm curious about the geometry (fractal?) of the 'fault lines' your algorithm produces large-scale. I would really be interested to see any real materials that mimic those 'fault lines'. Is 3D necessary for that?...
Hi Thomas, I gathered some partial screenshots for a couple of the specific examples you gave. below are the URLs. ...