User Portlet User Portlet

David, your picture has the white line at the top. ![enter image description here][1] [1]: The white line is in the picture. I checked by...
I have a dashboard consisting of 6 to 8 pictures. This dashboard is generated based on 2 values for amplitude and phase. So after entering the 2 args and pressing submit in a webform I would like to see the result immediately. Should look something...
My goal is to publish a formula on a public webpage. here is a formula: z = FourierSeries[SquareWave[xyz], xyz, 3, FourierParameters -> {1, 2 Pi}] launch a webpage using MathML: CloudExport[z, "HTML", "MathOutput" -> "MathML", ...
Simon, have a look at: [Simple inexpensive delivery service outperforms SendMail][1] Christopher has solved this i think for the mailgun api. See his last post for details about multipart support. [1]:...
here is the progress i made uploading a file. First the copying of the file to the target directory "webapps". Next the removal of the Directory. copyremove[cobject_] := Module[{temp}, temp = FileNameSplit[cobject[[1]]]; ...
Hello, I did give it a spin on windows 7 64 and 10.1 kernel. All functions work in your documentation (manually opened) The only error appears when I use IGDocument[] to open the documentation. FileNameJoin::optx: Unknown option Saveable in...
Hello Emerson, Your first function using CSV files does work and uploads as a list object in the cloud. For some strange reason I can't get the XLSX upload FormFunction to work. After submitting, the file name is removed and an error "upload a...
Hi Hwoarang, This is an example with animate. It also shows the animate user interface in the animated gif: slides = 1 qq = Table[ Animate[Grid[ {{Plot[x^2 + q^2 x, {x, 0, 10}, ImageSize -> 200, ...
Hello s a, If you replace -APIFunction- by -FormFunction- a working userinterface is ready to use. I assume you insist on doing this via a API. Here is my public API definition with name: picapi. CloudDeploy[ APIFunction[{"image" ->...
Kuba, Multipage formfunction works fine in the cloud. I tested your code and it works. If I enter 3 in the rooms field it delivers 3 input fields when next is pressed. CloudDeploy@FormFunction[ { {{"rooms", "number of rooms"}...