User Portlet User Portlet

Rangarajan Krishnamoorthy
Hi, I just found out how to solve the problem I reported earlier. I have to install the "pyzmq" package for Python. I did the following from my shell: > sudo pip install pyzmq After this, StartExternalSession["Python"] works as expected. ...
Hi, I have an application that exports 3D models in OBJ format. The app emits .OBJ, .MTL and .JPG together for a given 3D model. I understand that the corresponding .MTL and .JPG files contain texture/color information of the model, and hence all...
Hi, My Mathematica version is 10.4.1 (on OS X). I am trying to call Mathematica from Julia language. I get the following error in Julia: julia> using Mathematica ERROR: LoadError: ArgumentError: MathLink not found in path The path to...
Hi, I tried to use the built-in "Classify" function with "Sentiment" option for classifying simple sentences as listed below. Classify["Sentiment", "That John is a good football player is an incorrect statement"] => Positive ...
Hi Marco, Thanks for sharing this. It works for me now! Regards, Rangarajan
That is interesting information. Thanks. Regards, Rangarajan
Thanks. Will this work for SoundNote (export as MIDI)? Regards, Rangarajan
Hi, How do I find out which functionality of Mathematica is available (or not available) in the Wolfram Language implementation on Raspberry Pi? I tried to execute: Speak["Hello"] but it gave an error message to the effect that a front-end is...
OK, I continued my search for a solution, and found this page to be helpful: I forced the audio port to be the analog jack. Now, Sound[], EmitSound[] and Speak[] work as...
Hi Sean, Thanks a lot. I see your point about EmitSound. I am starting to do some work on algorithmic music composition in Mathematica. It seems to me that SoundNote is the basic primitive to use for generating western music using pitches, scales,...