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I am writing a paper "Simple Random Walk Models of Entanglement Effects on the Elasticity and Viscoelasticity of Polymer Networks." which i will be presenting at the Polymer Networks meeting in Prague. Of course, i'm writing it in a Mathematica...
check it out:
I just came across a video of Stephen Wolfram on CNBC: [**Stephen Wolfram: Why this brilliant physicist ditched his job**][1] [![enter image description here][2]][1] [1]:...
for those interested in the Einstein's view on discrete or discontinuum (as opposed to field-based) physics, which is in line with Stephen's model of the universe, i am attaching a possibly hard-to-find article as well as Stephen's blog.
in a recent column ( Stephen discusses his idea of a network model of the universe (originally presented in chpt. 9 of NKS and in his earlier blog...
i am interesting in doing logic programming in WL. i thought i could simply use Roman Maeder's implementation of Prolog in Mathematica - he has 2 articles on it ...
the CellularAutomaton function is incredibly fast (i have compared the speed of the Game of Life program written using CellularAutomaton with the speed of 3 different GoL programs that i created (see my note set on WL Fundamentals in the Library...
deep learning is the hottest thing (fad?) in AI. i know that WL has implemented a function, ImageIdentify, which i assume to be based on use of a convolutional neural network , but i was wondering, has anyone written a program for a CNN itself in...
Wolfram Research has prepared a 3 part video tutorial (starring me LOL as lecturer) on the Fundamentals of the Wolfram Language. it can be viewed at and at ...
Wolfram Research has prepared a 3 part video tutorial (starring me LOL as lecturer) on the Fundamentals of the Wolfram Language. it can be viewed at and at ...