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It may be more convenient to use this form depending on what you want to do next grouped = GroupBy[data, First -> Last] E.g. {Mean@#, Median@#, StandardDeviation@#} & /@ grouped
Can you provide an example of the data format that you are trying to construct?
Hi Alex, There are a couple of syntax errors. Try aicgam = -2 LogLikelihood[GammaDistribution[\[Alpha], \[Beta]] /. mlegam, data] + 2*1 aicnak = -2 LogLikelihood[NakagamiDistribution[\[Mu], \[Omega]] /. mlenak, data] + 2*1
Hi Mariusz, I was also wrong. The problem is the use of `\[RightArrow]` rather than `->`. Nice catch!
There is a typo in Marco's code it should be SystemCredential["ANTHROPIC_API_KEY"] = "YOUR KEY GOES HERE"
What is the exact error message from SQL Server? "data truncation" errors are generated when the column type is not wide enough to accommodate the data. E.g. the column is `varchar(8)` but the corresponding column in the TSV has more than 8...
Nice, thanks. You should consider submitting it to the [Wolfram Function Repository](
Hi Jonathan, The function passed to `FindRoot` needs an argument equilibriumPrice = FindRoot[Difference[price], {price, 60}] (* {price -> 58.1167} *} The `Print` does not have a terminating `;` so it is implicitly multiplied by...
Hi Richard, This is a little better, but the arrowheads are missing. It must be possible based on the examples in the documentation for `EdgeShapeFunction`. I did not try. esf[points_, edge_] := {Line[points]} EdgeShapeFunction ->...
Can you provide a link to the paper?