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Ruben Garcia Berasategui
Dear all, thank your for your answers. I followed Jim's initial suggestion and I got a result (0.00184) pretty close to Dave's figures ( 0.0017 & 0.0016). Regards, Ruben
Hi Sam, for Gartner's report I got the information from: Regarding Forrester's paper, you can read it here: ...
Dear community members, according to FinancialData, the monthly return for Google in January 2006 was 0.00392246: FinancialData["NASDAQ:GOOGL", "Return", {{2006, 1,1}, {2006, 1, 31}, "Month"}] {{{2006, 1, 31}, 0.00392246}} However,...
Great post! Looking forward to more like it.
Hi Frank, thanks for the reply. I'm actually interested in learning how to use Mathematica as a platform for creating and grading quizzes in general regardless of the topic. Actually, I think it would be great if Mathematica offered a template for...
Hi Alan, thanks for the offer. I'd love to see those sample chapter preprints. My email address is ruben dot garcia at jic dot ac dot id
Hi b3m2a1, how about [][1]? They even have a link to the latest version of your development tools. Regards, Ruben [1]:
Excellent post Jonathan. Looking forward to similar ones in the near future. I have a question regarding the calculation of the returns. For example, the S&P 500 on February 1, 2010 was 1089.19 and on the next day it increased to 1103.32 but when...
With Quandl API 3, the command for FOREX has slightly changed: AUDvsUSDRates = QuandlFinancialData["datasets/CURRFX/AUDUSD", startDate -> "1995-01-01", endDate -> "2015-02-01"];
Dear Igor, thanks a lot for the code. I understand how it works now.